What are the benefits of red light therapy?

What are the benefits of red light therapy?

We have been using, testing and researching the benefits of red light therapy for well over 20 years combined. *

 * Read to the end to see which red light therapy devices we recommend *

Red light therapy has been studied for a variety of uses, and while research is ongoing, here are some of the potential benefits supported by current studies:

Benefits of Red Light Therapy:

  • Wound healing and tissue repair: Red light therapy may help accelerate wound healing and tissue repair by stimulating cellular activity and increasing blood flow [3, 4].
  • Pain management: There's some evidence that red light therapy can reduce pain, particularly for conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis [3, 4].
  • Skin health: Red light therapy is used for various skin concerns. It may help with wrinkles, acne scars, and psoriasis [2, 3, 4].
  • Hair growth: Studies suggest red light therapy may promote hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia (common baldness) [3].
  • Reducing side effects of some cancer treatments: Red light therapy might help reduce oral mucositis, a side effect of radiation treatment [3].

Red Light Therapy: Unlocking the Healing Power of Light

You've likely seen red light therapy devices popping up at spas, gyms, and even for at-home use. But what's the real deal? Can red light actually improve your health? The simple answer is: it might. While still an emerging area of research, red light therapy (RLT) shows promising benefits for a variety of concerns, from skin health to wound healing.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, involves exposing certain areas of your body to red and near-infrared (NIR) light. This light is delivered at specific wavelengths within the 600-1000 nanometer range for maximum therapeutic effect. Unlike UV light, it doesn't damage your skin and cells. Instead, it's thought to work by enhancing the function of your mitochondria – the energy powerhouses within your cells.

Potential Benefits of Red Light Therapy: What the Research Says

  • Skin Rejuvenation: RLT is perhaps most popular for its skin-boosting effects. Studies suggest it can help increase collagen production, leading to reduced wrinkles, improved skin tone, and a more youthful appearance. It may also be helpful in reducing acne scars and certain skin conditions like psoriasis.
  • Wound Healing & Tissue Repair: Red light therapy appears to have regenerative effects, stimulating cellular processes that speed up wound healing and tissue repair. This could make it valuable for post-surgical recovery and the treatment of burns.
  • Pain Relief & Inflammation: There is preliminary evidence that RLT can reduce inflammation and pain associated with conditions like arthritis, tendinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Further studies are needed to fully understand its long-term pain management potential.
  • Hair Growth: In individuals with androgenic alopecia (pattern hair loss), RLT may promote hair growth. More research is needed to confirm these findings.
  • Oral Health: Research suggests that RLT could be beneficial for reducing inflammation and pain caused by oral mucositis, a common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Other Potential Benefits Some studies hint at RLT's potential in areas like:
    • Improved athletic performance and muscle recovery
    • Reduced depression and anxiety
    • Enhanced sleep quality

Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

RLT is generally considered safe for most individuals. However, it's essential to follow the guidelines for use and choose a reputable device. Talking to your doctor is always advisable, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications.

How to Use Red Light Therapy

  • At-home devices: Many portable red light devices are available for purchase, allowing you to do therapy sessions at your convenience.
  • Professional Clinics: Spas and wellness centers may offer red light therapy treatments.

Important Considerations:

  • Research is Ongoing: While red light therapy shows promise, more research is needed to determine its long-term effectiveness and optimal parameters for different uses.
  • Not a Miracle Cure: RLT is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment. Always consult your doctor if you have significant health concerns.
  • Consistency is Key: For optimal results, consistent use of red light therapy is necessary.

Conclusion: How can YOU get the benefits of red light therapy?

Red light therapy is a fascinating, non-invasive therapy option with increasing scientific backing. It holds potential for enhancing skin health, wound healing, and more.

The best way to find if it works for you?

Give it a try!

We at Primalhacker have been using, testing and researching red light therapy for well over 20 years combined and we fully support and recommend GembaRED Red and Near Infrared Light devices.


[ Click here and use code SLEEP to get 10% off your GembaRED Red and Near Infrared Light device ]


GembaRed Vector Mini Red and NIR LED Light Panel


  1. National Institutes of Health: Photobiomodulation: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33471046/)
  2. Healthline: Red Light Therapy: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22114-red-light-therapy
  3. WebMD: Red Light Therapy: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22114-red-light-therapy
  4. Cleveland Clinic: Red Light Therapy: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22114-red-light-therapy


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