By Thaddeus and Tomorrow


Those were the last words my husband, (world famous biohacker, Thaddeus Owen) says to me before bed last night.  He said you have to spray it on your belly.  I pulled up my shirt ....⁠ a few seconds later it begins to burn a little and feel sort of itchy, but I am used to him using me as a female biohacking guinea pig.  The tingling went away quickly enough and I slept sound all night long.  Are you able to guess what he sprayed on me? Keep reading.  

Want to know more about Primalhacker’s biohack for a better night’s sleep.  This is one of those articles that will lead you in with a secret and won’t reveal it till the end of the page.  Just heads up.  It’s like reading a book, who reads the last page first?  Well, my mother does, but she cra cra.  

First things first.  Lets talk about ….sleep.  How well are you sleeping at night?

Most people, humans will answer below average.  Why? Because your not sick and tired enough to do something about it.  Tell me im wrong!  Please tell me im wrong. Im not wrong, there are 22 gazillion studies and doctors and people who specialize in sleep.  We will let them be special.  If you answered your sleep is above average but could still be more optimal, we have a few secret biohacks for you.  

Those of you who are doing most things right already, like have your diet dialed in, your workouts, your time outdoors in nature grounding….

These few things I have proven and tested out myself and on my wife and they might be fun and interesting for you to try out just to get your sleep dialed in a little more!

Sleep hacks for those with Above Average Sleep

  1.  5HTP + collagen  on your nightstand if you are really struggling to drift off.

This is something that works every single time. If you are truly struggling with sleep, try this trick, but we do not recommend it long term as we’ve heard it can cause neurotransmitter burnout, specifically serotonin. But used infrequently, or just long enough (perhaps a few months) to learn some other techniques, it works great.  


Before bed, make up a small cup of water 

Add to the water: 

1tsp of collagen powder (find it here)

1 capsule of 500mg of 5-HTP (find it here)


Put this on your nightstand and drink if you can’t get to sleep. 

The collagen helps the 5-HTP dissolve more easily and it can take about 30 minutes before it’s fully dissolved and ready to drink. 

  1. Wear blueblockers after sunset  that’s easy click HERE to shop our “thaddeus approved glasses” and click here to watch his TED talk about why it’s so effective

  1. Watch the sunrise and sunset- and don’t eat after sunset ---its too easy but do it anyway. Just like maugwi turn into gremlins if they are fed after dark, your cells turn into monsters if you feed them after dark. Cells are designed to sleep and detox after dark, so don’t feed them. 

  1. Our secret to getting zonked biohack has to do with the belly button. This is where your umbilical cord was attached and it’s also where all food entered your body when you were a baby. Because of this fact, your body more easily absorbs things from this area

-->Rub topical magnesium on your belly right before sleep….here’s why this works to get you zonked! 

Magnesium is well known to help bring on sleep at night. Topical magnesium has very little studies showing whether it is well absorbed. Because of the lack of data, many people ignore this method of using magnesium. After many discussions with PhD scientists, they believe the theory of topical Mg absorption is accurate, but not studied. Therefore Thaddeus tried this for a year and found it VERY effective for inducing sleep. Find it online here

Is your sleep below average?

If you're not quite there and need to up your game with your diet, workouts, grounding that's a great place to start.  

Here are a few things to start with for sleep

  1.  Don’t bring tv or devices into the bedroom  LINK see our blog post about light hacking here
  2. Turn off your WIFI at night  LINK see our blog post here and learn why
  3. Don’t eat after sunset or before sunrise
  4. Wear blueblocking glasses after sunset and before sunrise  
  5. Meditate in the morning to set up your day
  6. Make sure you see the sunrise everyday without wearing contacts or glasses for at least 5 mins to 45 mins 30 mins within sunrise
  7. Turn off all devices at least 2 hours before bed
  8. Tell your partner or kids what you appreciate about them everyday 
  9. Follow primalhacker for more cool biohacks
  10. Spray topical magnesium on your belly button area right before you go to sleep

The photos are from our dear friend Kristin Canty's farm in Bath, NH.  We held a primalhacker retreat  in 2018.  Kristin is the beauty and brains behind "Farmageddon" the movie.  You can find it here



Thaddeus and Tomorrow

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