Have you heard the latest buzz around X3 Bar?

-Blog post by Thaddeus and Tomorrow

March 10, 2021


So, really what is this X3 contraption? How does it work? Why did we buy one?

X3 bar consists of:

1. Stainless steel bar

2. 4 sets of bands with varying thicknesses

3. Steel floor plate

Why would we purchase X3? Couple reasons, 


At the gym you will find:

-CFL junk light

-Harsh chemical sanitizers (especially now, the equipment is literally wet when I get there.. dripping with sanitizer that will kill you faster than a virus)

-High levels of EMF! Click to learn more about the toxicity of the gym, or this blog about how to spend less time in the gym and look better

In our opinion the energy of the gym has also changed in 2020, no one is talking, no one is laughing, or even comfortable to be in close proximity of anyone else.  Its actually creepy.  The only reason we go is to play racquetball with our kids.  

Second, we travel a lot!  So, we thought it might be interesting to see how this compares and if it is convenient/safe as they claim. 

Third, we were curious, we have friends who own "Osteostrong" gyms across the county and the X3 bar is a spin off of the "OsteoStrong" concept. So, we spent the money and ordered one! 

We will be giving a weekly Update/Review for all 12 weeks of using X3 bar!

Both Thaddeus and Tomorrow will show progress photos and their review and feedback of the X3 bar protocol.

 Watch this video to see our box opening of what's in the box when it arrives. (Note, we do not have an affiliate with this, just bought it for ourselves and wanted to post this review.).  Yes, the end caps fell off the bar, the glue was not effective. I glued them back on with liquid nails and no issues. They are just decoration. This is a VERY sturdy bar and plate, so don't let the end cap issue fool you. 

Here is the basic idea of how it works:

Use the bar for a 12 week protocol:  Day one is a push day, day two is a Pull day and Day three rest day...repeat

Use the bar and the band with the lightest bands week 1-4  to get to 15-40 reps or until exhausted.  (they don't like to use the term "to failure") at X3.  Each day there are four different exercises.  

Broad concept:

This is from the website:  "X3 provides a varying force that is greater where you are strongest and weaker where you have less force production potential. This causes a deeper fatigue and greater level of growth. People who try to achieve these high loads without the protection of X3, such as using heavy resistance bands by themselves, ultimately fail because the high forces required to get a good workout dangerously twists joints leading to injury. This is why the two most important parts of X3 are the bar and the ground plate."


Here are the big ideas- benefits of variable resistance

- You get a much Deeper level of fatigue, with that you get a more aggressive rate of growth.  

-At extension we are the strongest, at retraction we are the weakest. The X3 band allows for max weight to be applied where you are strongest, not the weakest like dumb bells.  If you pick up a dumb bell you can only hold the weight where you are weakest.  So, if you are not able to max out. 

What I learned from the website:  

How to train with proper force 5-7 times more than weight lifting.  This system is uses rehab banding repurposed for fitness gains.  

If you use bands without the X3 bar and floor plate, it torques the wrist/ankle joints.

It Triggers muscle growth. Watch Dr. John Jauquish video here he explains it very well.  The website has really great images and videos explaining the concept and how to easily understand how to use the bar.  


What they claim:  

As people recruit more stabilization firing they increase the level of HGH in the body, at the same time it opens up receptor sites and up-regulates the number of receptor sites.  It's much more natural range of motion and you can recover faster. 

They claim in 12 weeks you will stimulate HGH and turn fat into Lean muscle

They claim you won't have to do any cardio.   We look at cardio two different ways, one chronic cardio and marathon runners, two hiit cardio and sprinting.  Check out this blog to learn more and what the benefits and detriments are regarding "cardio"

What is the Protocol?

The X3 bar comes with a laminated card that explains with images each exercise 

Heres how it looks 

Week 1–4

Day 1

Push Day

Day 2

Pull Day

Day 3

Rest Day

Day 4

Push Day

Day 5

Pull Day

Day 6

Rest Day

Day 7

Rest Day

How to use the bands.  Here is a great video explanation.  


Want to know what Thaddeus Thinks..Week 1

See BELOW for Before and After Photos

It took e a little to get used to the movements with the bar and bands. It's not quite the same as olympic weights, but close enough. 

My lower back was a little strained in the squat, and that could be an issue for some people. 

Also, the bands do not have tension at the beginning of the range. Part of the process if keeping tension in the bands the whole time, so I was not able to get all the way to the start of a range in any motion because the bands lost tension. 

At the end of my workouts, I felt pumped up, like a good body building routine at the gym. I did not feel exhausted like after a crossfit workout. 

The workouts only took about 5-12 minutes start to finish. It went very fast. 

I enjoyed the workout overall and will find out if 'm able to maintain and grow muscle. 

I haven't been going to the gym regularly because the environment there is so uncomfortable. So my weight is down about 10 lbs from last summer. I hope to be able to build back about 5lbs of muscle.  


What Tomorrow Thinks...Week 1

At first I was very skeptical of this "fad" device, I own bands, and have tried many different modalities/products in the past.  The whole system and bar seemed clunky and a lot of messing around with putting on different bands, trying to figure out how they fit under the plate.  After a few times of doing it, it became a lot easier in fact it super simple.  I went from skeptic to engaged and intrigued  quickly.  Of course when you start out doing anything there's a learning curve, the curve for me took about a week to actually get comfortable with the X3 bar and foot plate.  One of the things that helped immensely was taking the time to watch the videos!  Dr Jarquish is clear, concise, direct, and he doesn't waste your time.  He gives you the information and tells you how and why it works without hours of videos!  I dig his idea, because like you im always looking for ways to hack my workout.  Another thing I noticed is that I grew up and into my thirties thinking long (1 hour+) intense cardio was how to stay in shape.  Well after meeting Thaddeus and learning about HIIT workouts and yoga I realized that the hour long cardio left me, 1 HUNGRY and 2 WIPED OUT BY 3PM!  The alternative (hiit, body by science, ARX, left me exhausted, not super hungry but thirsty then energized into the late afternoon.  I really like the X3 the more I do it.  We are transitioning to week 2 and I already see a change in my physique.  You know a little trimmer in area you hold extra fat.  The one thing I gleaned from the testimonials on the website is that with this system you have to be patient.  Most of the people in the before and after photos are long spans of time.  and Dr. Janquish is a 2 year transformation, but he's crazy jacked.  Thaddeus thinks he's taking "other" supplements. hahaha  I don't know about that or care. All I know is that he invented this system takes 10 mins to do a killer workout at HOME! Brilliant Bravo! Im excited to see how it works for the next 10-11 weeks!  Ps. We are not affiliates thought we would be if they had an affiliate program.  

If you like what you read here we have a lot more here at primalhacker.com


Week 2


I'm getting into the groove of this now. I can get it set up, I know what band I need to use, I can efficiently move through the exercises. 

I have not noticed any difference in muscle and my weight has gone up about a pound, which is not really a difference. 

Not much to report here. 


 Found it easier to get in the right position. Smaller bodies need to adjust to keep tension on the band. 


Here's our Youtube Video about our experiences

Week 1 and Opening of what's in the box


Week 2

 Before and After Photos

Woman before photo x3 bar

Woman before and after x3 bar

man before and after x3 bar

man before and after x3 bar

Week 12

Great little kit top bring traveling. This is also great when we quit the gym this winter. It's hard to get outside to our outdoor gym when it's freezing outside. 

I would use this all winter and whenever we travel. Otherwise, we'll be using our outdoor gym and kettlebells. 

We didn't lose muscle, though I don't feel we really gained a bunch of muscle. The net to me was about the same as when I started. 

peace & love to all


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