Buying a Home for 5G

Buying a Home for 5G

A cell tower for every 8 homes! 

500,000 more cell towers needed to connect 5G in the US. There’s only 300,000 out there today! 

The internet of things spying on you from every device in your home.  

The 5G power density is so high because it can’t travel as far as 4G and needs to be cranked up.  

How do you Mitigate the EMF in a 5G world? 

Remember with 5G, these are directed beam wave energy. Get a faraday cage pouch for your phone so it's not calling for signal when you don't want it!

One way is to buy a house that will minimize your exposure to 5G. 

Here’s what to look for. 


How to Search for a place to live When 5G hits 

5G frequencies are different from 4G, 4G LTE and 4G LTE advanced.  

5G is higher in frequency and the wavelengths are shorter meaning they are more powerful.  

They also don’t travel as far as 4G.  

5G is more easily blocked than 4G, unless of course you have a 5G enabled device in your home calling for 5G frequencies.  

Because 5G won’t travel as far, the antennas are going to be (many already are) placed at street and human level to allow them to enter homes. While 4G can enter homes from the walls and roof, 5G is largely blocked by these things.  

Keep in mind that when 5G is turned on, 4G isn’t going away and will be flooding the world in addition to the 5G.  

When looking for a house, you want to ensure to choose something that will block both 4G and 5G! 

Hire Building biologist 

Building Biologists are trained to identify EMF hazards around your home, or your future home. Hiring a building biologist is the best way to buy a home that will be as free as possible from EMF. 

If you have the money, typically $1200 or more for a visit, a building biologist has tools to measure exactly what your unique 5G issue is. They have tens of thousands of dollars of meters that measure the exact frequencies, wavelengths, and hotspots in your house.  

In addition, they can recommend the best mitigation strategies for your unique situation.  

We hired Brian Hoyer from Shielded Healing, discount code sleep for $100 off your assessment. 

Buy a fortress 

Metal and earth block 5G. If you can find a home that’s sided in metal with a metal roof, you will have gone a long way to stop 5G and 4G from entering your home. If you can find a rammed earth home or a home that’s partially underground, or even a home where the bedrooms are in the basement, these all will protect you and your family from much of these frequencies.  

Move to the country (till 5G comes form above, quote about every square inch of planet) 

Cities have a high density of people. Everyone has their phone on, their WIFI routers on all the time, their Smart TVs, their self driving cars and more...  

To serve all these people, cities have to install more antennas and towers emitting 5G and 4G. This is because each antenna can only handle so many incoming and outgoing communications, usually 4 at most. So an apartment building with 1000 people will need a hundred antennas per se.  

When you buy a home in the country, there are fewer people per mile and therefor fewer antennas and WIFI and cellphone leakage from neighbors. In some places you will not even receive cellphone coverage. That’s an ideal area if you ask me.  

Find a home in the country that gets little to no cellphone reception and is far away from any neighbors. In addition, steer clear of overhead powerlines and sub stations.  


Pine trees 

Trees block EMF like that from 4G and 5G. Specifically, pine trees are said to block the most EMF.  

Find a home surrounded by pine trees.  

Build a cold plunge or cold pool or even hot tub 

Water acts as a natural farday cage. A faraday cage blocks EMF.  

Look for a home with a pool or hottub, or even a natural body of water.  

Get in this water often to let your body detox from the EMF bombardment it gets all day long.  

Bonus points for using cold water because this activates ancient pathways that can lead to healing and improved health.  


Take our EMF course! 

Tomorrow and I created a FREE EMF course. We could have charged actual dollars for this, but we didn’t. Take advantage of it now.  

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