How To Stop Being a Night Owl

How To Stop Being a Night Owl


Are you a night owl?  

Do you like staying up late at night and sleeping half the day away?  

Do you find it hard to get to sleep before midnight?  

Perhaps you think your “biology is just wired” to be more productive late at night. 

I’m here to tell you that is false and it’s probably shortening your life! 

Staying up late into the night is linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity.  

Being the “primal” guy, I have to say our ancestors never would have stayed up late into the night, without lights. Only the shamans would have been up watching the stars and taking the health hit for the rest of the tribe.  

I have come up with what I think is a clear way to stop being a night owl, wake up early feeling refreshed, and have a great night’s sleep. Do it for your health! 

In this article I’m going to give you my Top 7 tips on exactly how to shift your circadian rhythm back to a “normal” human cycle and tell you 1 high tech way to immediately shift your sleep on the very first day. 

Why Sleep 

By now we all know why sleep is so important. And we’re learning more each year on why it’s even more important based on reasons we never knew the year before! 

Sleep maintains our health. When we sleep, the body is able to heal and repair. Our cells perform cleanup during the night, assuming we’re asleep.  

Imagine billions of cells in our body. Some portion of them become damaged during the day, due to exercise, misfolded proteins, diet, toxins in our air and water. If we don’t clean the damaged cells up, what happens?  

We already know that learning is decreased without good sleep, performance is decreased we don’t recover well, so we are more prone to being sick, gaining weight, and feeling down. That’s because during sleep, we are able to clean up damaged cells.  

Lack of sleep has been shown to correlate to obesity, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.  

It’s obvious we all need to sleep. According to T.S. Wiley, there is not a set amount of sleep we need each night and we should be varying the amount of sleep we get depending on the season. She advocates that in the summer, when there is more sunlight, we stay up late and work longer into the day since it’s still light till almost 10pm in some places. In winter, she builds a very convincing case for sleeping as long as possible, even up to 12-14 hours per night, or as she puts it, as long as you can without being fired or getting divorced. The winter sleep heals the body and reverses damage done during summer wakefulness . 

All this is to say that human sleep follows a rhythm. That rhythm is synced to the sun. Our biology is tuned to sleep when it’s dark and be awake when it’s light. Rats and mice are the opposite and their biology is designed for them to be optimally healthy when they awaken at dark and sleep during the day.  

When you go against nature, you are asking for trouble.  


Why Staying up Late is Deadly 

First of all, I have to state the obvious. Humans are not rats 

I know, this may be a shock to some of you but hang with me here.  

Rats are nocturnal. That means their biology is tuned to being awake in the night. They have special mechanisms within their body and brain to help them thrive at night.  

Humans on the other hand are diurnal. This means you are meant to live in sync with the light and dark cycles of the Earth. You sleep when it’s dark and awaken when it’s light. Your biology was built this way.  

Anytime you attempt to circumvent your biology you are asking for trouble.  

Research staying up late is most often studied in nightshift workers. Many studies are now being performed on non-night shift workers and biological consequences of staying up late. The studies in night shift workers and those people who mimic night shift workers is the same. If you stay up late you may not like the consequences. 

Deep sleep is one phase of sleep that helps the body restore during the night and tends to occur during the early part of the night, meaning if you go to bed late, you may not get as much deep sleep.  

Here’s the deal. When you stay up late into the night, you increase your risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease.  

This is mostly due to your exposure after sunset to blue light 

Most “night owls” are either watching TV and movies or on a device. The light coming off these devices completely messes up our circadian rhythm and destroys a key hormone that gives us much of the benefits of sleep.  

In fact, the correlation of ill health to staying up late is so strong that nightshift work is classified as a type 2B carcinogen, in the same boat as lead and asbestos.  

This is because throughout all of history, until very recently, humans would not have been exposed to blue light except during the day. Our bodies are designed with a receptor to blue light to tell our bodies that it’s daytime. The problem is, when we turn on our artificial lights at night, when it normally should be dark, we destroy our ability to sleep well.  


How to Go to Stop Being a Night Owl 

  1. Get out at dawn and see the sun. Dawntime sun syncs your circadian rhythm to the cycles of the earth. Studies of people who get more sun at dawn consistently show that they get better sleep at night.  
  2. Block Blue at nightBlue light can destroy melatonin leading to a reduction   blue blockers and screen filters 
  3.  Have a set routine at night before bed. When you follow the same routine each night, your body remembers what to do and you will get better sleep.  
  4.  Keep your bedroom cool. Cooler bedroom temperatures are associated with better sleep at night. We like to keep ours at 60 degrees.  
  5.  Make sure all lights have been turned off in your bedroom including night lights and charging lights from your devices. Exposure to light after sunset can delay sleep.  
  6. Keep your phone in airplane mode and turn off your wifi. WiFi and cellphones close to the body can create intense microwave fields. Low level Bluetooth may be OK, though best to have only earth-based frequencies.  
  7. Soltec Sleep Management System – read below. 


BEST Way to Get to Sleep Exactly When You Want 

Sometimes no matter what you do, you just cannot get yourself to sleep early and gain the benefits of sleep.  This can happen for many reasons.  

Some people take supplements, try meditation, take prescription drugs and more. But there’s an easier way that uses Earth based frequencies to help your body fall asleep and get the healing phases of sleep.  

While we advocate living the primal way, we know that in this modern world, even if we went out and lived in a cave, we wouldn’t be optimal because of poisoned water, air, food, and intense microwave frequencies invading our air.  

We found a new device that can help you fall asleep and get into the healing stages of sleep. It’s called the Soltec Sleep Management System (SMS) 

The Soltec Sleep Management System (SMS) is a scientific breakthrough in sleep technology engineered to analyze, record and condition your sleep and conscious state in real-time.  


SMS is intended to help users fall asleep, stay asleep and experience deeper, delta sleep.   Deep sleep, or delta sleep is so important and what many of us aren’t getting enough of.  


We tried out the Soltec on a cold February afternoon at 3pm. Tomorrow and I sat upright in chairs with our feet close to the Soltec. About 2 minutes after it was turned on we found ourselves nodding off. Wow, this thing really works!  

This machine sits at the foot of your bed and uses a spinning magnet and extremely low frequencies to entrain your nervous system into sleep. Now, you can use this to fall asleep when you want to and be guided into REM and deep sleep when your body is optimally ready for those stages.  

This is the ultimate way to stop being a night owl without staring at the ceiling for hours or tossing and turning.  


 [ > Edit: Find the LATEST Soltec Health System Review HERE < ] 


To get your own Soltec SMS, click here 


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