1 Corinthinans 15 Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep; but we shall all be changed
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
Time to wake up. The masses sleep
Can special glasses help you wake up? well..... Why do they movies show those wearing the sunglasses are the woke?
The type of waking up we're talking about is not being asleep to the programming all around us.
As we passively take in information from the news, movies, we stay asleep. This is spell casting on a broad scale. It's even call "Broadcasting". "Programming". "NewsCasters". Much of it is coordinated by Holly-wood. The wood of the holly tree used to make magic wands.
So waking up is called breaking pattern.
We begin to ignore what the masses are doing and live by example and not by programming.
Rather than spellcasting on others, we live by our own example.
If you are ready to write your own story, you need a special pair of sunglasses. How about a pair that keeps you healthy and also causes you to break pattern. Only by breaking pattern can we manifest what we want.
Noted as THE BEST Retreat Ever Attended by attendees who have attended hundreds of other retreats.
The Florida Pyramids retreat is not like any retreat you've ever been to.
Some retreats offer you Kundalini Yoga for addiction or spiritual ascension.
Others offer a mix of health themes but no real take home substance.
Some even offer spiritual work but forget about the health and wellness part.
Well, we offer you the following: 1. You'll live in a pyramid for 4 days that was designed, and patented, for upgrading your health. Literally, these pyramids were proven to upgrade your health. And you can feel it! 2. You will join us on a 3 day juice fast including proper sun and meditation to make it so easy you won't believe it 3. You'll soak in the healing spring on site absorbing healing magic and minerals from the bath 4. You'll get Guided Meditations, live and in person, along with Yoga and Tai Chi 5. You will be instructed in breathwork for manifestation and detox, called shamanic breathwork by the instructor and inventor of the method, Galactic Shaman, Waxela Sananda. 6. Expert instruction on health practices that you can take home with you beyond the retreat.
People who left the retreat claimed that it was the best retreat they've ever attended.
It takes Place in April 2023 in Ft Meyers Beach FL, and no, it was not affected by the hurricane.
We reserved a limited number of pyramids.
Each pyramid has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a kitchen.
You can book your pyramid bedroom and private bath here!
Cold is Powerful Medicine Thank you all so much for your support of my new book. I know a lot of you purchased it off our website and the publisher has the books on the way for us. The giant stack of books will be here soon and we'll have them on their way immediately.
If you haven't picked up your copy, the book goes through how to celebrate winter through Light, Diet, Cold, and Sleep. I'm really excited for everyone to experience a winter that is just as much fun as summer. In winter we get to focus on completely different things that make it a magical season we can look forward to each year.