Yes, it’s true, there is EMF that’s good for us, and it comes directly from the Earth and Sun.
We all live indoors these days and we’re insulated from Nature.
We don’t get out in the sun, and many doctors today will tell you the sun is toxic.
Manmade EMF like Wi-Fi, cellphone radiation and Bluetooth causes inflammation and can lead to health problems.
We rarely if ever touch our feet to the earth and instead insulate ourselves from the ground by wearing rubberized soles in our shoes.
By doing this, we miss out on the beneficial EMF that heals us and restores our vitality.
We call this nature’s EMF.
Anything created by man, that our bodies haven’t been designed to deal with we call Non-Native EMF (nn-EMF). And these are the fields that largely harm our biology.
Nature’s EMF is used by our bodies to heal, sync us to the Earth and Nature, and even helps us sleep.
Daytime Electric Field..Thanks Sun
During the day the sun shines on the Earth. There is an electric field produced on Earth wherever there is daylight. This field is energizing and create by photons entering the atmosphere.
In addition, the Earth receives thousands of lightning strikes every second. These strikes drive electrons into the earth and also create the Schumann Resonance.
Our bodies can use the electrons in the Earth and are also attuned to the Schumann Resonance. Science is still learning how this works and what effect it has on us, but we know that when humans travel to space and leave these fields, their bodies break down.
The Russian’s recreate a Schumann Resonant frequency in space to keep the cosmonauts healthier.
Nighttime Magenetic Field..Thanks Earth
At night, without photons bombarding the atmosphere, the Earth’s Magnetic Field is more prominent. Our opinion is that this magnetic field is healing and we take advantage of it in our sleep to heal our bodies.
If we sleep above ground level, like in 3rd or 10th floor apartments, or even just in a 2nd floor bedroom, we are quite far away from the proper Earth fields we should experience and rather bombarded by manmade fields from cell towers and Wi-Fi and electrical currents in the walls.
If you want to take advantage of the healing magnetic field, sleep as close to the ground as possible. Sleeping in a basement bedroom both allows you to be close to the Earth's magnetic field and minimizes or eliminates the manmade EMF fields.
Remember all those lightning strikes hitting the Earth every second? This embeds electrons into the Earth, which is why the Earth is the largest source of negative energy and why we “ground” electrical things into the Earth. You can stand barefoot on the Earth and allow positive charge in your body, known as inflammation, to drain out into the ground. How amazing is our Earth? You’ll want to be barefoot to do this and stand on a conductive surface like grass, dirt, rocks, cement, concrete. If you stand on a wood deck, asphalt or plastic you will not be grounded. You also cannot ground through your shoes or through nylon or polyester socks, those are plastic. Get some wool or cotton socks or go barefoot.
Schumann Resonance
Those lightning strikes hitting the ground create a band of frequency close to the surface of the Earth.
The collective lightning strike frequency is known as the Schumann Resonance. Humans and animals, probably plants too, are tuned to this frequency. Cosmonauts in Russia recreate this frequency in their spacecraft to keep healthy.
The Schumann Resonance averages to 7.83Hz. This is exactly the alpha brain wave humans attain when in meditation. It’s probably important to tune into this.
When you sleep or live further from the surface of the Earth, like in an apartment or 2nd floor bedroom, you are more removed from this resonance.
Sunlight is Information
When we talk about nature's frequencies, the majority of those come from the Sun.
Sunlight, both visible and invisible, is information to the body.
Ignore this information – by wearing sunscreen, clothes, and living indoors – and you will be worse off for it.
Obviously get safe sun exposure. This means building a solar callus and slowly working to get more sun.
Getting sun on your naked sun is pure information to the body. This sets your circadian rhythm, tells your body what time of day it is and what time of year. This information can be used to make vitamin D and more.
When we hide from the sun, we completely miss out on this quantum information.
Studies actually show that people that get the most sun die less often.
Sun has both visible light and invisible light. We know there is invisible light, like ultraviolet and infrared. I would argue that there are more invisible wavelengths that we even know about. Science isn’t all knowing. I would also guess that these invisible wavelengths we don’t know about are extremely important to health.
Bottom line is get outside.
When is the Best Time to Get Earth Based EMF?
If you want to take advantage of all this good juju the earth and Sun provide, then you need to do a few key things.
The best times are dawn and dusk. However, any time you can get outside is a win.
Get Outside First Thing in the Morning
At sunrise your body will read the light and set your circadian rhythm for the day. This is extremely important.
Also, dawn sun has no UV in it. Your body has receptors for UV and it will know there’s none, so be prompted to correctly set your circadian rhythm.
When we stay inside and look at our phone, the body is tricked, through the blue light of the phone, into thinking it’s later in the day and then mismatches your rhythm to the actual time.
Where BlueBlockers
We can’t stress this enough. Get those BLUEBLOCKERS on.
These are to be worn whenever the sun is not in the sky (After sunset and before sunrise).
Blue light frequencies mess up your rhythm and are associated with diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity when you see blue light at night.
At night during sleep
Lights out, connect to the earth by sleeping as close to the ground as possible. Turn off the breakers to your bedroom or better yet the whole house, or better yet, just sleep outside.
You could also use a grounding sheet from Earthing Company. We use a King size grounding sheet under our bottom sheet to stay grounded all night.
Magnetico mattress pad can help create a static magnetic field around you mimicking the earths field from centuries ago and possibly protecting you from the cell tower down the road.
WiFi off at night and cell on airplane mode and into a farday cage pouch so it’s not tracking you and you guarantee no one can turn it on at night and radiate you with the wrong signals. Yup, I do think some companies turn on cell phones for brief milliseconds even when in airplane to download a bit of data on you.. don’t take the risk.
Faraday Cage Bedroom
We highly recommend sleeping inside a faraday cage. This is material that blocks manmade nnEMF like that from your WiFI, celltowers and your daughters cellphone that’s on all night. To create a primal environment while you sleep, think about investing in a faraday cage for your bed. We use one from Brian Hoyer at Shielded Healing.
First thing in the morning when we wake, we get on our blueblockers to avoid signaling our body with the wrong messages.
Get outside first thing to expose yourself to the electric field and the sun.
Preferably barefoot on the earth so you can take advantage of the photoelectric effect and absorbing more electrons from the earth while dumping positive charge (inflammation).
I understand it’s winter in northern climates and this is difficult to be barefoot, and that’s why we’ve sourced these grounding heel straps you can attach to any boot or shoe and be grounded without be barefoot. They just slip on and off in seconds so you just put them on when you want to ground.
Get outside as often as possible and remove as many non-native sources of EMF as you can during the day and especially at night.
Where blueblockers at night.
Do you want to learn more about the EMF that comes into your home?
Do you want to learn more about grounding and “earthing”?
Do you want to learn more about EMFs from you cell phone, WiFi, and Bluetooth?
Do you want to learn more about sunlight and the benefits?