It’s the start of the Gregorian year. It is hardly the start of the new year!
Do not be fooled!

Here at Primalhacker, we have not been co-opted by AI and we have not allowed the $3 Trillion Google to give us all the answers. If you weren’t aware, see how much Google is worth.. it’s mind boggling!
The new year actually starts in April. When the energy of the sun feeds the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere with enough light to restart life. This is the true new year and the time when new year’s resolutions actually have value. You have been tricked into making resolutions when the power of the sun is at the lowest and thus least likely to put wind in your sails. Which is why most fail.
Yet, big companies mostly are founded in March and April. Why? Because the spell casters know when the energy is behind them. It’s not in January. Which is the middle of winter in the North and a time when the sun sleeps.
Ok, so happy Gregorian new year to you all.
Feeding AFrenzy
Have you thought about shapes in your mind and how they affect your health?
Is it because you are too enthralled with the latest tech and supplement solutions? Biohacking is a trickster. Helping you to believe that certain expensive technologies will heal you. My favorite to pick on is Leela Q. Sorry all you Leela Q fans. Nothing against you, but this is one of the biggest snake oil sales monkeys I’ve come across. Ok, there are a few others and if my motivation holds out, I will share some more, but about the Q block and other tech you’re being lied to about.
No, this is about holding a shape in your mind. Man, autocorrect tried to make this read “holding a sheep in your mouth” why does the AI try so hard.. anyway.
Natural shapes, like rocks, trees, the sweep of the wings of an overhead goose, the sound of those wings flapping. Have you took 10 feet under one as it flew? It’s unreal the sound they make. Holding those things in your mind is benevolent. It’s healing. People in Egypt literally had totems with these shapes and you healed by looking at them and putting them in your mind.
So good. Let’s do more of that. It’s completely free. I love showing you free things from nature that can heal. It’s the whole reason I started this thing called PRIMALhacker.
Now, not to say I won’t find some cool tech that mimics what we’re missing from nature and give you a discount, because I will, like red lights from Gembared (discount code SLEEP). Mimic missing frequencies of light in winter to heal us. But for the most part, nearly all supplements and devices are completely bunk. Having 10,000 high level healers (Leela Q) put their energy into a piece of titanium and aluminum???? I say you are more powerful than all of them put together. Especially when it comes to you!
So feed on natural shapes, sounds and sights.
Here’s What We Normally Do
We allow others to put objects in our head and these are harmful to us.
Horror movies.
I never watch these. Ever.
Yet, every day, people put these objects in long term storage. Then they wonder why they are so afraid of the dark, or a foggy forest, or a quiet hotel room.
What subliminals are hiding in the pictures you see? Were they created to heal you?
DO This Instead
Put pictures in and hold objects in your mind that heal. Natural shapes.
Holding this image in my mind of geese has never made me afraid of the dark forest. In fact, it’s made me feel at home.
Have a great start to mid winter!
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