Why You're Using Your Cellphone All Wrong

Why You're Using Your Cellphone All Wrong

I bet You Don’t know How to Use a Cellphone 

Safely that is.  

Your cellphone is a microwave emitting device.  

Ever stuck your head in a microwave?  


Seems like a bad idea, right?  

Yet you have no problem holding  your cellphone to your head for hours every single day.  

Some of your even sleep with your cellphone under you pillow.  

Take a look at the safety sticker that’s on your microwave. I don’t have one, but I went to the neighbors and looked at it.  

Now, go and look at the sticker on the back of your WIFI router.  

You will now have a better sense of perspective.  

The frequency emitted by your microwave and by your wifi router are the EXACT same frequencies.  

So, if you don’t want to stick your head in your microwave, and your cellphone and wifi router emit the exact same frequency, what gives?  


The truth is that microwave radiation and its effects on human biology has been well studied. In over 5,500 peer reviewed, published papers the truth is laid our in black and white.  

Microwave radiation, like that given off by cellphones affects learning, sleep, mood, behavior, and health.  

Modern humans are bombarded with an astounding 1 quintillion more microwaves today than ever before in human history.  

When you carry a cellphone in your pocket, you are exposing yourself non-stop to the frequency associated with that cellphone.  

Every cellphone or cellphone provider uses a slightly different signal. 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and now 5G all use different frequencies to connect.  

Because the frequencies are all different and each frequency has a slightly different effect and each human has more or less susceptibility to any particular frequency, it is hard to nail down that cellphones are negatively affecting us because each human, carrying a different frequency around will have a different effect from that.  

One person may have an issue with their eyes while another gets cancer. These frequencies affect us differently. One thing that is not in question based on centuries of research is that wireless radiation absolutely affects biology.  

Safe Use Instructions  

Oddly, your cellphone doesn’t come with safe use instructions. HOWEVER, it does tell you right in the safety/regulatory manual that touching your cellphone while it’s turned on violates the safety requirements.  

Read that again!  

Touching your cellphone while in use specifically stated to be avoided for safe use.  

I bet none of your has read that part of your cellphone manual.  

So… if you can’t touch your cellphone while it’s turned on, what do you do?  


Wireless radiation affects can be mitigated with 3 key strategies. Follow these and you will minimize your exposure to harmful man-made EMF.  



The less time you are exposed to microwaves, the better.  

Use your phone, WIFI, and Bluetooth for as little time as possible.  

Spend as little time in high EMF environments. These are places like coffee shops and even your office where high powered WIFI is pumped out for everyone to use.  

When I’m at corporate headquarters bathed in junk light and wifi, I make sure to spend as little time inside as possible. If I can work, meet, and take my lunch outside, I will.  



Wireless radiation diminishing quickly with distance.  

There is a law called the inverse square law that is applied to wireless radiation. This means that for every 1X increase in distance from the source there is a 10X drop in the intensity of the radiation.  

Position yourself as far as possible away from a microwave radiation source. Even a few inches can make a huge difference.  

If you can’t turn off a wireless source of radiation, move as far away from it as possible.  

When a friend of mine measured the WIFI radiation in her son’s high school she found that just moving desks from under the WIFI router that was installed on the ceiling to a desk 5 seats away dropped the radiation levels by more than 10X.  



Obviously the best way to reduce wireless radiation is to turn it off. Most of us can’t do that completely. Though we do more than most people, which I’ll explain below.  

When you can’t turn off the wireless, you can block it.  

Microwave radiation can be blocked by metal.  

There are faraday cages you can put your wifi router into and it will significantly reduce the radiation. It will not block all the wifi or else your devices would not be able to connect to it. These are metallic cages with enough gaps in the metal screen to allow some of the wifi out but at significantly reduced signal power.  

You can buy a faraday cage (LINK) for your phone. These are metal lined pouches that block all radiation going to and coming from your phone. These are great if you have someone in your family sleeping with their phone or if you want to be absolutely protected from your phone.  

We keep our phones in the pouches while we sleep even when they are in airplane mode. We know that people have been measuring wireless radiation from their phones even when in airplane mode. This is likely due to software companies calling for private data about you to be sent to the cloud all the time as well as reveal your location. We do not consent to this and therefore keep our phones in pouches so they cannot connect to the cloud or spray us with radiation while we sleep.  

In addition, we take it a step further by surrounding our bed in a faraday cage. While we can turn off our wifi and cellphones at night, we cannot stop the cellphone tower from sending radiation into our bedroom while we sleep.  

Actually, we can stop it by surrounding our bed with metal mesh fabric. This blocks the radiation from our “sleep chamber”.  

Whenever we fly or travel, we always wear our Primalhacker EMF blocking hoodies. It’s impossible to get away from wireless when traveling and thus we do our best to reduce what we’re exposed to as much as possible.  LINK 

You can also mitigate some of the radiation given off by your laptop while on wifi by using one of these products from Harapad.  

Blocking wireless radiation is often our best choice these days when we cannot get away from it. 


Airplane Mode 

Your cellphone, tablet, and laptop all have airplane Mode.  

Use it! 

Whenever you are not downloading messages or making a phone call, turn your devices onto airplane mode.  

Don’t forget that when your laptop is connected to a LAN line, you need to enable airplane mode. Otherwise it’s still pinging wifi every once in a while for no reason.  

If you have your cellphone in your pocket, put it in airplane mode.  

This is why we have voicemail and texts.  

I modified my voicemail message to state that I do not listen to voicemail, honestly who has time for that.  

I ask callers to send me a text.  

When I pop my phone out of airplane mode and download data, I see the texts and call back whoever I need to. I am not on call 24/7.  

Airplane mode will disable your WIFI, cellphone, cell data, and Bluetooth.  

It will not disable the GPS. GPS is always on. You can convince yourself of this by using maps on your phone and then turning your phone to airplane mode. The maps will keep up just fine.  

Be careful though, because some people turn their phones to airplane mode and the wifi or Bluetooth is still on. Check to make sure these are actually turned off when your phone is in airplane mode.  

One phone hack is to only have the wireless on that you need. Instead of ALWAYS having Bluetooth, Cell Service, and WIFI on all the time, just turn on the one that you need.  

Each of these is a separate antenna microwaving you. Turn on only the antenna you actually need.  



You can get rid of wireless at your home.  

We have “hardwired” our home. Here’s an article we wrote detailing how we did this without pulling wire through walls.  


Here is a video showing you how to disable the WIFI on your router.  

Go into your router settings and disable the WIFI.  

Get a LAN cable and connect all your devices to the wired cables. Your TV, video game console, cellphones, and laptops will all connect to a wired connection.  

The best part isn’t just that you’ll be protected from the wireless radiation but wired connections are faster than wireless.  


Stop being EMF’d.  Adopt some or all of the suggestions above to improve your health.  


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