WiFi is Destroying Your Sleep and How to Fix it

WiFi is Destroying Your Sleep and How to Fix it

Let’s face it, sleep is absolutely critical.

If you’re reading this email you’ll also be immersed in media fear and controversy over the global pandemic situation.

Well, guess what?

Regardless of whether you think the pandemic will affect you, we absolutely know that sleep boost immunity better than any drug or supplement.

Sleep boosts immunity and protects you from disease. In addition, ensuring your body is maximally set into a system of repair instead of break down is critical, especially in this time of chaos.

But WAIT.. do you have your Wifi on all night while you sleep?

This is a big problem. You see, we pretty much know that wifi is damaging to our bodies and when we sleep can interfere with the benefits of sleep.

You don’t really believe that Wifi is damaging?

Well, out of the billions of frequencies, why did they choose 2.4GHz for wifi?

It just so happens that this frequency interacts with water in our body and causes our cells to dehydrate.

Ok, so maybe you don’t understand that.

Let’s make it a little clearer.  Go to your WiFi router and look at what frequency it broadcasts on. You can do this online too.. just look it up. It’s 2.4 – 2.45GHz.  Some routers will also run off 5GHz. That’s not 5G as in the new tech role out, but 5GHz which is a different thing completely.

OK, now I want you to go look at your microwave oven. Or look this up online for all those of you smart people who have no microwave. What frequency does your microwave oven use?

Unbelievably it’s 2.4 GHz!!!!!

Wait, what?

The microwave oven, that heats up your food, and that you would NEVER stick your head inside of and turn on uses the EXACT same frequency as your WiFi router spreading invisible waves throughout your entire house 24/7.

This sure seems odd to me.

Microwaves use the exact frequency that maximally affects water to be efficient cookers.

And for some reason the wireless companies chose this same frequency to put in your router. Weird, right?

What happens when you put a steak in the microwave and turn it on?

It gets dehydrated right?

What happens to your cells in your body all day long when you bathe in wifi microwaves of the exact same frequency as the microwave oven?

In addition, Wifi causes oxidative damage in our cells. All night long for those of you leaving wifi on all night.

Here’s just sample of some studies, because everyone always asks, “where’s the study for that?”  - you know, we don’t always need studies to prove something is harming you and frankly if the wireless companies and mind control organizations think microwaves are the perfect interface for human control, then the data showing harm will be pretty sparse.


“Melatonin has been considered a potent antioxidant that detoxifies a variety of reactive oxygen species in many pathophysiological states of eye. The present study was designed to determine the effects of Wi-Fi exposure on the lens oxidant, antioxidant redox systems, as well as the possible protective effects of melatonin on the lens injury induced by electromagnetic radiation (EMR).” Indian Journal of Opthamalogy Effects of melatonin on Wi-Fi-induced oxidative stress in lens of rats


“There are poor oxidative toxic effects of one hour of Wi-Fi exposure on the lens in the animals. However, melatonin supplementation in the lens seems to have protective effects “ – Huh…. Wifi harms our eyes.. that doesn’t sound good.


And this article

“Even a phone set to the lowest level of light could still cause the same suppression of melatonin as a fully lit phone. That’s because the reduced creation of melatonin before bed might actually be caused by the electromagnetic frequency being given off from your cellphone as it receives and emits information through a 4G network or wifi. Your brain mistakes this information for light, which causes your brain to reduce the levels of melatonin it creates.” - Pineal melatonin level disruption in humans due to electromagnetic fields


Sleep affects immune system.

And finally this study:
Sleep and the circadian system exert a strong regulatory influence on immune functions.”


Ok, so turn your darn WiFi off every single night.. because you want a strong immune system and you want good sleep.

About 5 years ago I came out with this video on my old YouTube channel. It was a really simple video about turning off your wifi at night with a remote control. It got OVER 200,000 views!!! Wow!! This was WOO WOO science back then..

There were A LOT of people interested in turning off WIFI.. I even got hundreds of comments. And honestly, I never read any of them because I changed over to the Primalhacker Youtube channel and never looked back at my old channel…oops.

Well, I wanted to make wifi remotes cheaper for everyone.

You can buy a remote on Amazon and that’s been my advice for years.

However, I went out and sourced some remotes and I’m offering them on my website now.  IN this time of chaos, I want everyone to turn off their WiFi every single night.

Here’s what you can do

Plug your wifi router into THIS remote control system. Place the remote on your bed on stairway or hallway and turn off the wifi when you go to sleep with the remote. Turn it back on when you wake up. Super Simple!!

BTW – we decided to make these available as cheap as we possible could!!

Right now we have made these essentially free if you pay shipping and handling!!  That’s $11 for the remote control including shipping (US continental only) Until we run out. $11 is what I paid for these myself, so I’m actually losing the shipping to you and the shipping I paid to have them originally shipped to me. I think it’s too important right now to let everyone microwave themselves…

Take advantage of this and get your “free” wifi remote control click RIGHT



Also, use code PRIMAL10 to take 10% off anything else in our store.





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